import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import matplotlib as mpl
from scipy import interpolate
import scipy.optimize
from copy import deepcopy
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.csg import *
from netgen.occ import *
from netgen.meshing import IdentificationType
1. Solve the non-linear Poisson equation for a graphene nano ribbon#
Siyar Duman, TU Wien
\(\epsilon\Delta\phi = \rho(\phi)\)
\(\epsilon\) is the permittivity
\(\phi\) is the electric potential
\(\rho(\phi)\) is the charge density for a graphene nano ribbon of a given width \(w\). As a model, we take equation 13 in Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 092109 (2007)
Below, the function charge_density_GNR(energy, w) is \(\rho(\phi)\). It is continuous, but not differentiable at every point and shows a large constant plateau at the center (Bandgap).
1.1. Constants and Functions#
### CONSTANTS. In the following we use ATOMIC UNITS.
## In atomic units, bohr_radius = 1, h_bar = 1, electron_charge = 1, electron_mass = 1
nm = 18.8972613
Angstrom = 0.1*nm
Volt = 0.036749322
epsilon_0 = 0.07958
grapheneheight = 3.35*Angstrom
c_light = 137.037 ### speed of light in atomic units
v_F = 0.003335 * c_light
### epsilon, permittivity
inplane_hBn_bulk = 4.98 ### see
outofplane_hBn_bulk = 3.03
inplane_graphene = 1.8 ###
outofplane_graphene = 3
eps_dict = {"hBn" : CoefficientFunction((inplane_hBn_bulk, 0, 0,
0, inplane_hBn_bulk, 0,
0, 0, outofplane_hBn_bulk),dims=(3,3)),
"GNR" : CoefficientFunction((inplane_graphene, 0, 0,
0, inplane_graphene, 0,
0, 0, outofplane_graphene),dims=(3,3))}
def generate_charge_density(gfu, alpha = 1):
potential = np.zeros((npts,npts))
potential = (gfu(meshptsGNR).reshape(npts,npts))
charge = np.zeros((npts,npts))
for j in range(npts):
for i in range(npts):
charge[j,i] = evaluate_interpolated_charge_density(potential[j,i])
if alpha != 1:
charge = alpha * charge
return charge, potential
def put_charge_on_grid(values, gfQ):
nz = 3
new_values = np.zeros(npts*npts*nz)
new_values = new_values.reshape(npts,npts,nz)
new_values = new_values.reshape(nz,npts,npts)
for nn in range(nz):
for ny in range(npts):
for nx in range(npts):
new_values[nn][ny][nx] = values[nx][ny]
func = VoxelCoefficient((0, 0, height),
(box_width, box_width, height + grapheneheight), new_values)
def E_n(n, w): # E_n defined below eq. 8
return (n*np.pi*v_F)/w
def get_number_of_states(energy, w):
energy = np.abs(energy)
n_energy = energy * (w / (np.pi*v_F))
n_energy = int(np.floor(n_energy))
if n_energy == 0:
inside_bandgap = True
inside_bandgap = False
return n_energy, inside_bandgap
def carrier_concentration(energy, w):
n_energy, inside_bandgap = get_number_of_states(energy, w)
if inside_bandgap == True:
return 0
sum_carrier = 0
for j in range(1, n_energy + 1):
dummy_E_n = E_n(j, w)
sum_carrier += np.sqrt(energy*energy - dummy_E_n * dummy_E_n)
sum_carrier = sum_carrier * 4.0 / (np.pi*v_F)
return sum_carrier
def charge_density_GNR(energy, w):
if energy == 0:
return 0
if energy > 0: # electrons
density = - carrier_concentration(energy, w) / (grapheneheight * w) ## this is in units of 1/Bohr radius^3
return density
if energy < 0: # holes
density = carrier_concentration(energy, w) / (grapheneheight * w) ## this is in units of 1/Bohr radius^3
return density
chosen_width = 5
en_steps = 20000
pot_max = 30
pot_min = -30
en_intervall = np.linspace(pot_min, pot_max, en_steps)
values_charge_density_GNR = np.zeros(en_steps)
for i, en in enumerate(en_intervall):
values_charge_density_GNR[i] = charge_density_GNR(en*Volt, chosen_width * nm)
interpolated_charge_density_GNR = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(en_intervall*Volt, values_charge_density_GNR)
plot_en_steps = 1000
plot_pot_max = 2
plot_pot_min = -2
plot_en_intervall = np.linspace(plot_pot_min, plot_pot_max, plot_en_steps)
plot_charge_density_GNR = np.zeros(plot_en_steps)
for i, en in enumerate(plot_en_intervall):
plot_charge_density_GNR[i] = charge_density_GNR(en*Volt, chosen_width * nm)
values_interpolated_charge_density_GNR = np.zeros(plot_en_steps)
for i, en in enumerate(plot_en_intervall*Volt):
values_interpolated_charge_density_GNR[i] = interpolated_charge_density_GNR(en)
plt.plot(plot_en_intervall, plot_charge_density_GNR, label="analytical")
plt.plot(plot_en_intervall, values_interpolated_charge_density_GNR, linestyle=(0, (5, 5)), label="interpolated", c="red")
plt.xlabel(r"$\phi$ [eV]", fontsize=20)
plt.ylabel(r"$\rho(\phi)$ [$\frac{1}{a_0^3}$]", fontsize=20)
plt.title("non-linear term for a graphene nano ribbon of "+str(chosen_width) + " nm width", fontsize=20)

small_delta = pow(10,-5)
pot_min_in_Volt = pot_min*Volt
pot_max_in_Volt = pot_max*Volt
### we use the interpolated function since it is much cheaper to evaluate
def evaluate_interpolated_charge_density(pot):
# if potential is beyond intervall, map it to the boundary
# avoid boundary evaluation; shift by small_delta
if pot <= pot_min_in_Volt:
pot = pot_min_in_Volt + small_delta
if pot >= pot_max_in_Volt:
pot = pot_max_in_Volt - small_delta
return interpolated_charge_density_GNR(pot)
1.2. Geometry consists of a Bottom Gate, Insulating Material (hBn), GNR, and top cylinder gate#
box_width = chosen_width * nm
height = grapheneheight*4
cylinder_radius = chosen_width * nm * 0.07
maxh = 5 * Angstrom
hBn_bottom = Box(Pnt(0 ,0 ,0 ), Pnt(box_width, box_width, height))
GNR = Box(Pnt(0 ,0 , height), Pnt(box_width, box_width, height + grapheneheight))
hBn_top = Box(Pnt(0 ,0 , height + grapheneheight), Pnt(box_width, box_width, 2*height + grapheneheight))
cylinder_gate = Cylinder(Pnt(box_width/2, box_width/2, 2*height + grapheneheight), Z, r=cylinder_radius, h=height/2)
hBn_bottom.faces.Min(Z).name = "bottom"
geo = OCCGeometry([hBn_bottom, GNR, hBn_top, cylinder_gate])
mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=maxh)).Curve(3)
npts = 200
xs = np.linspace(0, box_width, npts)
ys = np.linspace(0, box_width, npts)
ptsGNR = np.zeros( (len(xs)*len(ys),3))
for i,x in enumerate(xs):
for j,y in enumerate(ys):
nr = j+i*len(ys)
ptsGNR[nr,0] = x
ptsGNR[nr,1] = y
ptsGNR[nr,2] = height + grapheneheight/2
meshptsGNR = mesh(ptsGNR[:,0], ptsGNR[:,1], ptsGNR[:,2])
1.3. solve once for right-hand side = 0#
bottom = 2 # chosing bottom = 1 leaves the potential inside the bandgap,
# no charge and iteration stops immediately. try it out!
top = -7
bound_dict = {'bottom' : bottom*Volt, 'top' :top*Volt}
start = time.time()
##### solve once
fes = H1(mesh, order=2, dirichlet="bottom|top")
print ("ndof=", fes.ndof)
epsr = mesh.MaterialCF( eps_dict )
u, v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(epsilon_0 * epsr * grad(u) * grad(v) * dx)
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
gfud = mesh.BoundaryCF( bound_dict, default=0)
gfu.Set(gfud, BND)
inv = a.mat.Inverse(freedofs=fes.FreeDofs(), inverse="sparsecholesky")
res = (a.mat * gfu.vec).Evaluate() -= inv * res
end = time.time()
ndof= 6239
1.4. Solve non-linear Poisson’s equation iteratively#
def residual_of_charge(charge):
charge = charge.reshape((npts,npts))
u, v = fes.TnT()
put_charge_on_grid( charge, gfQ)
#update right side of poisson equation
with TaskManager():
f = LinearForm( gfQ * v * dx("GNR")).Assemble()
gfu.Set(gfud, BND)
res = (a.mat * gfu.vec - f.vec).Evaluate() -= inv * res
new_charge, new_potential = generate_charge_density(gfu)
### plot charges, their differences and the new potential
box_extent = [0, chosen_width, 0, chosen_width]
gs=gridspec.GridSpec(1,4, wspace = 0.6)
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0])
img = ax.imshow(charge.T*pow(nm,3), extent = box_extent)
plt.xlabel("x [nm]")
plt.ylabel("y [nm]")
plt.title(r"$\rho_{s}$ in $[\frac{1}{nm^3}]$")
plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[0,1])
img2 = ax2.imshow(new_charge.T*pow(nm,3), extent = box_extent)
plt.xlabel("x [nm]")
plt.ylabel("y [nm]")
plt.title(r"$\rho[\phi_s,\vec\nabla\phi_s]$ in $[\frac{1}{nm^3}]$")
plt.colorbar(img2, ax=ax2,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[0,2])
img3 = ax3.imshow((new_charge.T - charge.T), extent = box_extent)
plt.xlabel("x [nm]")
plt.ylabel("y [nm]")
plt.colorbar(img3, ax=ax3,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[0,3])
img4 = ax4.imshow(new_potential.T/Volt*pow(10,3), extent = box_extent)
plt.xlabel("x [nm]")
plt.ylabel("y [nm]")
plt.title(r"$\phi_{s}$ in $[meV]$")
plt.colorbar(img4, ax=ax4,fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
plt.suptitle("iteration " + str(n_it[0]), y=0.7)
n_it[0] += 1
charge = charge.reshape(npts*npts)
new_charge = new_charge.reshape(npts*npts)
return (charge - new_charge)
fes = H1(mesh, order=2, dirichlet="bottom|top")
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
gfud = mesh.BoundaryCF( bound_dict, default=0)
fesQ = L2(mesh, order=2, definedon=mesh.Materials("GNR"))
gfQ = GridFunction(fesQ)
print ("ndof=", fes.ndof)
epsr = mesh.MaterialCF( eps_dict )
#### solve once, generate initial guess
u, v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(epsilon_0 * epsr * grad(u) * grad(v) * dx).Assemble()
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
gfud = mesh.BoundaryCF( bound_dict, default=0)
gfu.Set(gfud, BND)
inv = a.mat.Inverse(freedofs=fes.FreeDofs(), inverse="sparsecholesky")
res = (a.mat * gfu.vec).Evaluate() -= inv * res
charge, potential = generate_charge_density(gfu, alpha = 0.01) # alpha = 1
saved_charges = [charge]
saved_potentials = [potential]
n_it = [0]
#### cycle
sol = scipy.optimize.root(residual_of_charge,
method='df-sane', options = {"fatol": pow(10,-7)}) #method='krylov'
ndof= 6239

n_it = len(saved_charges)
for i in range(n_it):
if i < 5:
if i != n_it - 1:
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_charges[i])*pow(nm,3), label = str(i))
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_charges[i])*pow(nm,3), label = "final", color="black", linestyle="dashed")
plt.title("charge on the main diagonal per iteration")
plt.ylabel(r"$\rho(\vec r)$ $[\frac{1}{nm^3}]$")
plt.legend(loc="lower left")

n_it = len(saved_charges)
for i in range(n_it):
if i < 5:
if i != n_it - 1:
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_potentials[i])*pow(10,3)/Volt, label = str(i))
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_potentials[i])*pow(10,3)/Volt, label = "final", color="black", linestyle="dashed")
plt.title("potential on the main diagonal per iteration")
plt.ylabel(r"$\phi(\vec r)$ $[meV]$")
plt.legend(loc = "lower left")

charge_in_GNR = Integrate(gfQ, mesh, definedon=mesh.Materials("GNR"))
print("Charge in the graphene nano ribbon is", charge_in_GNR, "electrons")
Charge in the graphene nano ribbon is -1.7226442978734058 electrons
# find bandgap:
incr = (pot_max - pot_min) / (en_steps - 1)
found_left = False
found_right = False
threshold = pow(10,-7)
for i in range(int(en_steps/2)):
if found_left == True and found_right == True:
left_val = values_charge_density_GNR[int(en_steps/2) - i]
right_val = values_charge_density_GNR[int(en_steps/2) + i]
if np.abs(left_val) > threshold and found_left == False:
found_left = True
left_index = int(en_steps/2) - i
if np.abs(right_val) > threshold and found_right == False:
found_right = True
right_index = int(en_steps/2) + i
band_gap = (right_index - left_index) * incr
print("The bandgap is", band_gap*pow(10,3), "meV")
The bandgap is 831.0415520776039 meV
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_potentials[0])*pow(10,3)/Volt, label = r"$\phi$ $first$", color = "magenta")
plt.plot(np.diag(saved_potentials[-1])*pow(10,3)/Volt, label = r"$\phi$ $final$", color = "black")
plt.hlines(band_gap/2*pow(10,3), 0, npts, color = "blue", label = r"$E_{G}/2$")
plt.hlines(-band_gap/2*pow(10,3), 0, npts, color = "red", label = r"$-E_{G}/2$")
plt.title("potential and bandgap on the main diagonal")
plt.ylabel(r"$\phi(\vec r)$ $[meV]$")